Barrie Bonsal - Freshwater Availability, Research Scientist

Transcript: Barrie Bonsal - Freshwater Availability, Research Scientist

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BARRIE BONSAL (Research Scientist): Water is life and we have this perception in Canada that we have lots and lots of fresh water and we never have to worry about shortages at any time, but what we’ve found is that with the warming climate, that we’re seeing changes to the amount, and when we get this fresh water; and especially during summer we could be at the risk of future supply shortages during this critical period.

BARRIE BONSAL (Research Scientist): I’ve always been interested in science. I grew up on the Canadian prairies and spent a lot of time in the summers out on the farm, and weather and climate really interest me, especially how it impacted how we harvested and when we planted.

BARRIE BONSAL (Research Scientist): So, my message to Canadians would be, don’t take this water for granted. We have to conserve. We have to make right choices so we have lots of water for all the activities, including drinking water, enough water for agriculture, enough water for recreation.

BARRIE BONSAL (Research Scientist): We do have to make careful choices.

[Canada wordmark]

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