117. Logan Park (1974)

Logan Park

Logan Park, located in Percé, Québec, may be small in size, but it has major historic significance. The park is home to two commemorative plaques dedicated to Sir William Edmond Logan, founder and first director of the Geological Survey of Canada. It is a fitting tribute indeed. In 1843 and 1844, the Gaspé Peninsula was the site of the first detailed geological work executed by Logan as he searched for coal and other mineral resources to fuel industrial development in the Province of Canada.

The first bronze plaque was unveiled in 1913 during the 12th International Geological Congress, which was being held for the first time in Canada. It is located on the west side of a limestone outcrop.

A second plaque, located on the east side of the outcrop, was placed in Logan Park by Parks Canada in 1974 as part of its program to honour great Canadians. It was unveiled during the 10th Commonwealth Mining and Metallurgical Congress. The inscription states that Logan is “the first Canadian man of science to gain international recognition; he is commemorated by two mountains bearing his name, one in Gaspé and one in the Yukon.”

Category: Buildings and Places

Decade: 1970s



GSC 175 - CGC 175